Posts tagged wildlife
Winter, frost and hiking in search of birds with the X-T3 and 100-400mm

After a few weekends without real good weather or light, the temperatures started to fall. Meaning real winter weather is coming. The temperature fell well into the sub-zero degrees. Combining that with an early start for a well deserved hike after a week of work indoors meant that it was really really cold! However clear skies and sun made it a beautiful morning. The idea was to start at Oostvaardersplassen with an alternative to go to the Veluwe if there were too many people or the area was closed.

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A second hike in the good old dunes with the X-T3 and 100-400MM

Well the following weekend after this one, see previous blog post, was just as nice and therefor a second attempt to get some good old bird shots in the dunes. Again the sun was really giving that winter yellow light. Kind of and endless folder hour at that moment. Now where we are further into January this is slowly disappearing, which is a shame, but the weather lately is so dull and grey that I welcome spring and warmer weather for sure!

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New Year, new hike, good old dunes with the X-T3 and 100-400mm

A new year, new promises? I don’t know, but what I do know is that the first two weekends of this year really had some nice weather. Meaning sun finally, some clouds, no rain (yes!) and good light. For me the perfect opportunity to get my camera and start shooting again, because that was quite a while ago. This blog and the second one (see the next one) are all about me getting back to the dunes, just for fun, no expectations.

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