Robert Doeleman Robert Doeleman

Back to back birding with the sony a7riv and 200-600mm

Recently I enjoyed a well deserved break. Time for the family and time for myself. The latter was easy to fill in, taking out the new Sony to different areas in The Netherlands. So I did a back to back photography trip to two places I visited multiple times before. However the weather was not really in my favour. Still got some decent photos and one short video, which I really like. Never thought I enjoy capturing video of the birds I encounter. Next blog will also have some, spoiler.

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Robert Doeleman Robert Doeleman

Spoonbill up close and other birds at Waverhoek with the Sony A7riv and 200-600mm

So a few weeks ago the weather turned and the first weekend was like a real spring weekend with sunshine, warmer temperatures and all that combined with nice golden evening light. That was the thing I needed for my next tests and experience with the Sony camera and lens. It really was a lovely evening and while it started of pretty quiet and boring even. It came together at the end of my time at Waverhoek.

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Robert Doeleman Robert Doeleman

Taking the Fujifilm X-T3 for birding for a change with the 100-400mm

So after a few times enjoying myself with the new toy, the Sony A7riv and the 200-600mm lens, it was time to get the Fujifilm out again. I must say its still a killer combo. However the battery life compared to the Sony is really disappointing. Setting up the Fuji in boost mode, the battery drained 50% in an hour. I must say I never really saw a difference between normal and boost mode. Still I always knew that the battery life was not the greatest on the Fuji, but its that good on the Sony and it shows.

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Robert Doeleman Robert Doeleman

Out & about in search of birds and test with the Sony a7riv and 200-600mm

So after my initial test and getting used to the camera I’m more and more finding my way and trying out new settings and configurations. Still there is no holy grail camera or settings, so. you make due with what you have. Although that A1 looks mighty nice, except its price tag. I’m slowly getting to grips with the camera and especially with 600mm versus 400mm on the Fujifilm. This new focal length is not just another focal length or equivalent to the crop on Fujifilm. There is a noticeable difference in compression, stability and again weight of course.

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Robert Doeleman Robert Doeleman

Small birds - going over to the dark side with the Sony A7riv and 200-600mm

So where to begin? A brief history before we get into the photos and the first impressions of this new combination. TLDR; It’s great, sort of! Its a really powerful combo, but it needs to be handled with respect. That glass is great, but the sensor with its 60+mpx is unforgiving if you just smash that shutter button. In short its a learning curve - all over again, but I like it!

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Robert Doeleman Robert Doeleman

Golden light, common birds in the area with the X-T3 and 100-400mm

After the cold temperatures, snow and ice the warm weather quickly made its entrance. That resulted in really nice mornings and afternoons with a low sun and golden light. This is the advantage of the winters over here, the low sun and clear skies when its still relatively cold, have this yellow and golden light. Something that is present during a few hours. In short we have not a golden hour, but several golden hours. How cool is that!

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Robert Doeleman Robert Doeleman

Snow, freezing temperatures, a winter landscape out birding with the X-T3 and 100-400mm

Well it finally happend, after the temperatures dropped the first time now the temperatures dropped significantly with ice and snow as the final cherry on top! I guess The Netherlands wasn’t the only country in Europe to have massive snow and ice weather and forecasts. I can tell you the crazy dutch ice skating lovers where everywhere! As was a beautiful snow filled landscape, a real treat after grey rainy days and lockdown. Finally snow, ice and sun! Real winter!

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Robert Doeleman Robert Doeleman

Winter, frost and hiking in search of birds with the X-T3 and 100-400mm

After a few weekends without real good weather or light, the temperatures started to fall. Meaning real winter weather is coming. The temperature fell well into the sub-zero degrees. Combining that with an early start for a well deserved hike after a week of work indoors meant that it was really really cold! However clear skies and sun made it a beautiful morning. The idea was to start at Oostvaardersplassen with an alternative to go to the Veluwe if there were too many people or the area was closed.

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Robert Doeleman Robert Doeleman

A second hike in the good old dunes with the X-T3 and 100-400MM

Well the following weekend after this one, see previous blog post, was just as nice and therefor a second attempt to get some good old bird shots in the dunes. Again the sun was really giving that winter yellow light. Kind of and endless folder hour at that moment. Now where we are further into January this is slowly disappearing, which is a shame, but the weather lately is so dull and grey that I welcome spring and warmer weather for sure!

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