Skye in Fall - The Isle of Skye
The Isle of Skye was on my wish list for a few years, however I never really explored the means to get there or the costs. I thought the only way to get there was by boat from The Netherlands to Scotland and then drive, to save costs and go with my own car. Still I thought this was a costly trip and therefor it did not materialise. So why now?
In search of the European Bison, Nationaal Park Zuid Kennemerland
Whenever I visit the Dutch dunes I always end up in the same area. This area lets me photograph nice landscapes, but also a variety of wildlife, ranging from small birds to elk, deer and foxes. However this time around I wanted to go to the more northern part of the Dunes area, which is Nationaal Park Zuid Kennemerland.
When in Stockholm, go underground!
For my birthday my girlfriend told me to get to Schiphol airport and take clothes for the weekend. So logic dictates we would be travelling to a European city for the weekend or she was just pulling my leg and getting me to think we would go somewhere. Once there it became clear that we would go to Stockholm for the weekend.
Landscape photography and drones, my experience
Ever since I was little I have been fascinated with planes, flight and especially aerial photography. So when the first satellite photos where available in Google earth it sparked my interest. This was further fueled when I took a hot air balloon ride some years ago.
Early morning in Zeeland - it wasn't nice!
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. In this case we lost. The last time when I was at the Zeelandbrug I was treated with a gorgeous sky and sunset, see here. However this time we were out of luck. We got up early and got into the car towards Zeeland.
New Year's holiday in Moesel-Saarland
This new year's holiday we decided to go out Germany, staying in the Moesel area right in the middle between Luxembourg city and Frankfurt, around Trier. A perfect place for going out to Saarland and walk around and next to the Moesel.
Park Eifel and the Urft Dam (with video)
Long on the list and after some research we (with Marc Duiker) drove to Park Eifel. A nature reserver situated near the south east of The Netherlands. It is a long drive, but we figured it is worth it as there are hiking trails, forests and the Urft Dam.
Zeelandbrug, cold, windy, sunset and sun rays!
The Zeeland Bridge was built between 1963 and 1965. At the time of its completion, it was the longest bridge of Europe.
Brachter Wald - Family hiking trails
Brachter Wald is a nature reserve in Noordrijn-Westfalen, west of Bracht, on the high planes of the Maas. Elevation of this area varies up till 60 meters. Not that difficult but with perfect walking trails a nice family hiking area.